• 601-939-3030

MedScreens is pleased to announce the new iPortal.  The iPortal is a more convenient and more efficient way for companies to access and manage their instant drug testing program.  It has been designed and implemented with our customers in mind.

Step 1: Visit the iPortal



iPortal Step 1

 Step 2: Log In

iPortal Training Step 2

 Step 3: Enter Password to view Results

iPortal Training Step 3

Step 4: View your Results


iPortal Training Step 4

 Result Interpretation:

1. Negative: Negative Result

2. Still in Progress: Donor either had a shy bladder or gave urine with an invalid temperature.  The donor will remain at the collection facility for up to 3 hours or until a satisfactory specimen is given.  There will be another result for the same donor when the test is completed.

3. Refusal to Test: The donor left the facility without providing a sufficient specimen for testing.

4. Positive. Sent to Lab for Confirmation: The donor had a positive instant test and his/her specimen has been sent to the lab for further testing.  Click the MyeScreen link at the top of the page and log in to view the status of the test.


Watch the iPortal video tutorial or call us with any questions.